Dr. Kazuyuki Sekizawa (Associate Professor)

Personal Information

A nuclear physicist, working at Tokyo Tech. Born in Tokyo in 1988, grew up in Satte City in Saitama. Lived in: Satte -> Tsukuba -> Warsaw -> Seattle -> Niigata -> Tokyo.


A head of a newly launched (since April 2021) Nuclear Theory Group at Tokyo Tech (Associate Professor). My original research field is Nuclear Physics. Extending research interests to more broader concept, “quantum many-body problems in fermionic systems,” I am now studying nuclear reactions, neutron stars, superfluid phenomena, as well as ultracold atomic gases.

Research Interests

Quantum Many-Body Problems:

atomic nuclei, neutron stars, ultracold atomic gases

Nuclear Reactions and Dynamics:

multi-nucleon transfer, quasi-fission, fusion, superheavy element synthesis

Superfluid Phenomena:

topological excitations, quantum vortices and turbulence, pulsar glitches

High-Performance Computing:

massively-parallel computing with OpenMP, MPI, and GPUs

Professional Career

Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
(Apr. 2021 – Present)

Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Niigata University
(Jan. 2018 – Mar. 2021)

Research Associate, University of Washington
(Sep. 2017 – Dec. 2017)

Research Assistant Professor, Warsaw University of Technology
(Apr. 2015 – Aug. 2017)

JSPS Research Fellow (DC2)
(Apr. 2013 – Mar. 2015)

Awards & Honors

  • Aug. 2023: The 22nd (2023) Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award
  • Jan. 2023: The Distinguished EPJ Referees 2022
  • Dec. 2021: The Award for the Promotion of Early-Career Researchers in School of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology 2021
  • Aug. 2019: The 6th Niigata University Rector Award
  • Nov. 2018: The Excellent Achievement Award (for our HPCI Project: hp170007)
  • Mar. 2018: The 12th (2017) Seitaro Nakamura Prize
  • Dec. 2017: The RIBF Users Group Thesis Awards 2017
  • Oct. 2017: The Warsaw University of Technology Rector Award 2017
  • Feb. 2017: The Paulo Gomes and Valery Zagrebaev Prize
  • Mar. 2016: The 10th Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan
  • Mar. 2015: The Award from the Dean of Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba
  • Dec. 2014: The Award for Best Project of the 2014 TALENT Course 5: “Theory for Exploring Nuclear Structure Experiments”
  • Oct. 2014: The Excellent Achievement Award (for our HPCI Project: hp120204)
  • Dec. 2013: The Best Participant Award of 2013 TALENT Course 6: “Theory for Exploring Nuclear Reaction Experiments”



No.DatesTopicsLecture slidesOthers
16/14An Introduction to (Modern) Nuclear PhysicsDownload
(PDF, 10.3MB)
Assignment 1
26/17Microscopic Mean-Field Approaches for Nuclear Structure:
Hartree-Fock Theory vs. Density Functional Theory
(PDF, 3.4MB)
36/21Microscopic Mean-Field Approaches for Nuclear Superfluidity:
From BCS to HFB
(PDF, 2.0MB)
46/24Microscopic Mean-Field Approaches for Collective Excitations:
Tamm-Dancoff and Random Phase Approximations
(PDF, 2.6MB)
Assignment 2
56/28Microscopic Mean-Field Approaches for Nuclear Dynamics:
TDHF vs. TDDFT, and Their Applications to Nuclear Reactions
(PDF, 6.0MB)
67/1Microscopic Mean-Field Approaches for Neutron Stars:
From Nuclear Force, through EoS, to Neutron Stars
(PDF, 9.3MB)
77/5Microscopic Mean-Field Approaches for Superfluid Dynamics:
Quantum Vortices and Pulsar Glitches
(PDF, 10.7MB)
Assignment 3
Video recording of a lecture “Frontiers of Physics” for third-year undergraduate students at Tokyo Tech, in which faculty members introduce topical issues and their research on a variety of fields of physics (about 90min, recorded on June 18, 2024, *in Japanese).

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